Shawn Criego
Year 2 for a wonderful cause! As you know, last year I did my 1st Polar Plunge in honor of one of my best friends Davey who passed away. He was very involved with The Special Olympics and plunged every year. I have now taken the torch to keep it going in his honor. It was such a successful event last year and my heart was so overwhelmed and full with all the love and support that was given. Let's do it again and make a difference for an incredible cause!!
Suggested Donation
$30 - Puts a child through an 8-week Special Olympics Minnesota Young Athletes season
$60 - Provides an eye examination and a pair of glasses for two Special Olympics Minnesota athletes
$100 - Sends a Unified Pair to ALPs University, Special Olympics Minnesota's athlete leadership program
$250 - Implements a Respect Campaign into a school/business/organization
$500 - Provides funding to start a brand new Special Olympics Minnesota Delegation