Peter Booth
Hi! Welcome to my Polar Plunge fundraising page!
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Suggested Donation
$30 - Puts a child through an 8-week Special Olympics Minnesota Young Athletes season
$60 - Provides an eye examination and a pair of glasses for two Special Olympics Minnesota athletes
$100 - Sends a Unified Pair to ALPs University, Special Olympics Minnesota's athlete leadership program
$250 - Implements a Respect Campaign into a school/business/organization
$500 - Provides funding to start a brand new Special Olympics Minnesota Delegation
Peter Booth’s Donations
The Pauls
Go Booths!!
Mike Muiznieks
The Haapojas
Way to go Peter!!!
Lisa Sitter
Proud of you Peter!
The Krebsbachs
Janea Christopherson
Go Peter!!
Stephanie John
You got more guts than me kid! Way too go!
Auntie Carrie
Go Bug!