orin herfindal
My Son has participated in Special Olympics for 12 years, and the coaches, the athletes, and the Unified peers and volunteers have helped improve his life. During the pandemic, we all missed out on socializing, and my son was so happy to be back playing football on his team, and to once again participate in Special Olympic activities. Your donations will help us build back our community. Thank you for your generous support. It makes a difference in so many athletes lives.
Suggested Donation
$30 - Puts a child through an 8-week Special Olympics Minnesota Young Athletes season
$60 - Provides an eye examination and a pair of glasses for two Special Olympics Minnesota athletes
$100 - Sends a Unified Pair to ALPs University, Special Olympics Minnesota's athlete leadership program
$250 - Implements a Respect Campaign into a school/business/organization
$500 - Provides funding to start a brand new Special Olympics Minnesota Delegation