Mason Beckstrand
I'm writing to ask for your support. I have committed to grin and "bear" it for the athletes of Special Olympics Minnesota by participating in the Polar Plunge.I know you're probably getting cold just thinking about it! But the cold that I'll feel is only temporary; the positive impact we'll have on the lives of over 8,100 Special Olympics Minnesota athletes with intellectual disabilities will last a lifetime!I've set a personal fundraising goal, and I need your help to reach it! So no, I'm not asking you to take the Plunge (although I'd love you to join me!), but I AM asking if you'll make a donation to Special Olympics Minnesota on behalf of me taking the Plunge. Any amount would be appreciated it all goes to a wonderful cause, and every little bit gets me that much closer to my goal.Support me at you want to learn more about the Plunge, visit to find out all the chilly details.Thank you!Mason BeckstrandP.S. Think warm thoughts for me as the date approaches. I'll do my best to make my supporters proud!
Suggested Donation
$30 - Puts a child through an 8-week Special Olympics Minnesota Young Athletes season
$60 - Provides an eye examination and a pair of glasses for two Special Olympics Minnesota athletes
$100 - Sends a Unified Pair to ALPs University, Special Olympics Minnesota's athlete leadership program
$250 - Implements a Respect Campaign into a school/business/organization
$500 - Provides funding to start a brand new Special Olympics Minnesota Delegation