Join Bob & Christina Burzillo!
Register to Plunge


Suggested Donation

$30 - Puts a child through an 8-week Special Olympics Minnesota Young Athletes season

$60 - Provides an eye examination and a pair of glasses for two Special Olympics Minnesota athletes

$100 - Sends a Unified Pair to ALPs University, Special Olympics Minnesota's athlete leadership program

$250 - Implements a Respect Campaign into a school/business/organization

$500 - Provides funding to start a brand new Special Olympics Minnesota Delegation

Event Team Goal Donations Donate
Mar 1 - Minneapolis Plunge Frozen Ice Holes $3,000 $4,148.97

Total: $0

Clear Amounts

Bob & Christina Burzillo’s Donations

$500.10 Anonymous
$100.00 Liana Brogan
What a great cause! Thanks for organizing this!
$102.50 Tom & Erin Fleming
Good Luck! Erin & Tom
$50.00 Gary Gukassey
$100.00 Jason Novick
$60.00 Manning & Carol
$102.50 Missy & Joe
Always doing good things for other!! Stay warm
$110.00 Stockton Holt
$100.10 Anonymous
$102.50 Emily Gazelka
$100.10 JB
Good luck Bobby & Christina
$50.10 Kelli&Dave Williams
$50.00 Mary L
$100.10 Anonymous
$100.00 Trish Garvin
Love you both and what an amazing cause!!!
$50.10 Pam
$60.10 Kevin Libkin
$102.50 Mom (Kathy Burzillo)
Thanks for Freezing for such a Special Reason! Love Yas!
$100.10 Sherri & Ron
Stay warm!
$100.00 Joe Randazzo
$60.00 Kay Voelbel
Christina and Bob .So proud of you..
$25.85 TJ Ross
$100.10 Luke
$60.00 Tony Pastore
$102.50 Diana C
$60.00 Aaron and Debbie Stovall
$61.62 Mike & Jenny Bramel
$30.00 Nick & Deirdre DAttoma
Good Luck Bobby & Christina
$30.10 Kelly Scott
$50.10 Roons
$50.00 Bob and Diane
$100.00 TBone
$30.00 Collin Wright
Miss yall
$100.00 DJ
$150.00 Jason & Christy Sirek
Christy and I wish we could be there with you all that day!
$100.00 Jim & Sondra
Think warm thoughts!!
$100.10 Tariq Khan
$102.50 Sharon OConnell
$50.00 John and Jen
$100.00 Media Partners/John Rich
$100.00 Mickey & Melinda
All the best Bobby & Christy
$100.10 Laura Perino
$100.00 TA
$100.00 Jeff and Joan Voss  offline donation
$25.00 Monica
$60.10 Tom & Sue Lynch
You 2 are the BEST!
$60.10 Jackie Bottrell
Great cause guys!!